‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ Webinar July 14 [Webinar]
With the changing times and situation around the world, the ways in which marketing is done are also changing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many more things are turning digital.
Martech Today is hosting this webinar ‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 1.00 pm EDT.
Join Meghan Gendelman, VP of Marketing at Salesforce and Dr. Ann Marie Sastry, CEO of Amersite for a special webinar on how to make your marketing relevant in the all-digital, work-from-anywhere world. In this live discussion, we’ll cover:
- How demand generation strategies have pivoted during these challenging times
- How their marketing teams adjusted & what they learned along the way
- How to better connect with your customers & stay relevant”.
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