Chris Long of Go Fish Digital has published an article about the company’s ‘SEO ROI Calculator’. You can use this calculator to find the average conversion rate of your site with certain inputs.

Long says, “You can use our SEO ROI calculator to better estimate the value of SEO for your website.

To use the SEO ROI calculator, you can input how much additional organic traffic you would like to receive to your website. Next, input how much a website conversion is worth to your business and the average conversion rate of your site. The SEO ROI calculator will then return an ROI value comparing the additional revenue brought in from organic to your yearly SEO costs.

To better utilize our SEO ROI calculator, you can use the following steps to determine your input values:


This metric should indicate how much you would like your organic traffic to grow in the next 12 months. The more organic traffic that you receive, the more opportunities you’ll have to convert those sessions into customers. Since the goal of SEO is to improve ranking positions, ideally your site will be generating more organic traffic than it was previously”.

Our SEO ROI Calculator

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