CMI’s 6-Step Guide to Creating Pillar Content
A pillar page is a page that serves as an anchor for a cluster of related topics (i.e., a topic cluster). Posts related to one of these topics are all ultimately linked to the associated pillar page, as well as being linked to each other.
The content that you post on pillar pages is called pillar content. Content Marketing Institute’s Justin Champion has shared a six-step guide to creating pillar content.
Champion says, “You’re at the bottom of the mountain. You’ve been told to climb to the top. You look up at the summit and it seems so far away. You’re not sure how you’re going to get there. A clearly defined path isn’t visible to guide you in the right direction. The whole situation is a bit scary and overwhelming.
But others before you have climbed this mountain. They’ve made it to the summit. And if they can to do it, then you can too.
You reach the top of the mountain – literal or metaphorical – when you focus on each step, not how steep it is. You reverse engineer the climb.
You can do this with your content and climb the mega mountain of Google search. Working backward step by step, you can create a valuable piece of long-form content – and create a map on how to blaze that trail the next time.
Your mountaintop is a resource-driven pillar page, which serves as a library to showcase your top-performing content on a specific topic.
And to help you visualize the climb, let’s think about the travails of a dentist’s patient. Put yourself in the dentist’s chair, getting your teeth cleaned. Your dentist informs you that you’re susceptible to gum disease and recommends that you take your oral hygiene seriously”.
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