pillar page is a page that serves as an anchor for a cluster of related topics (i.e., a topic cluster). Posts related to one of these topics are all ultimately linked to the associated pillar page, as well as being linked to each other. Pillar pages and topic clusters are at the heart of modern SEO. Their importance arises from the growing importance of mobile web browsing and the increasing use of voice-directed (instead of typed) search on mobile devices.

SEMrush contributor Connor Lahey has shared an article highlighting three types of pillar pages and how they can help you in achieving ranking.

He says, “We will explain some of the main types of content pillar pages. Keep in mind that the divisions between these categories are not absolute, so some pillar pages might have elements of each.

1. The “Guide” Pillar Page

As its name suggests, a “guide” pillar page strives to be the ultimate authority on a subject. It could be a 101 guide for beginners or something more sophisticated aimed at a specific industry segment. A guide or an “ultimate guide” serves to establish your authority in a field or subject matter, builds your brand, and helps establish trust with a particular audience.

The guide pillar page gives a comprehensive overview of a topic that makes it an authoritative destination for those interested in the subject. It also links to related cluster pages that expand knowledge on particular aspects of the topic, often related to a specific keyword”.

3 Types of Pillar Page (and How They Help With Ranking)


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