CMI’s Two Tips to Improve Your Writing
Effective copywriting plays an important role in your marketing. It helps you to persuade your prospects to take an action.
Content Marketing Institute’s Penny Gralewski has shared two useful tips to help you improve your writing.
She says, “Do you write and edit for a world that consumes your content in short bursts? Try these two writing tips for content that resonates better with your readers.
Tip 1: Use short, simpler words
Everyone loves to sound smart, but your audience will tune out if they don’t understand what you’re saying. Don’t encourage your audience to stop consuming your content because you inflated it with complex words. Don’t make your interested audience leave the page to look up a definition.
Short words are easy to digest. Long or unfamiliar words slow down the reader. Readers may skip over key points or give up on the content”.
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