Tips to Improve Copywriting and Blogging
Copyblogger’s Brian Clark has published an article highlighting two most important words in blogging, persuasion and copywriting.
He says, “Imagine … by the end of this post, you’ll be a more effective writer, all because you learned two very important words, and the specific reasons why those words are so crucial.
Actually, both words can be found in the preceding sentence, along with hints related to their importance.
Did you catch them? If not, keep reading, because all will be revealed.
The most important word is “you”
Did you find the opening sentence compelling? If so, why?
Or the better question is, who was the first sentence focused on?
Well, let’s consider this. Have the words “me” or “I” appeared in this post before now?
It’s certainly ironic that a medium initially used as a self-absorbed journaling platform now needs to be overwhelmingly focused on the reader in order to be effective”.
The Two Most Important Words in Blogging, Persuasion, and Copywriting
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