BuzzPress builds viral news sites, Cyber Monday discount #ad
BuzzPress was released over the weekend by its creator, Ariel Sanders. It hasn’t been promoted heavily, perhaps because of the holiday in the US. But it appears to be a useful tool for building a website that gets viral traffic.
If your site attracts visitors virally, your increasing traffic will build your business for you. Thar’s what Sanders says his new software will do for you, with:
➤ No coding Required
➤ No expensive Hosting Required
➤ Plenty of Content, Increasing Daily
➤ No Huge Learning Curve
➤ No Monthly Fees
➤ Simplicity, Not Confusion
If that sounds good, read on.
Before BuzzPress, generating traffic to your website was either difficult, expensive, or both. This new software is created to help you build your traffic and your business quickly.
Here is how it works:
1. It is an easy-to-setup website builder. Within minutes, you can build a highly-converting website.
2. Using it, you convert your visiting traffic into leads, commissions, and sales.
3. The website you create with it is ready-made for promoting Clickbank, JVzoo, and Warriorplus offers.
4. It comes packed with an eCommerce store and an Affiliate store feature.
5. It is a fully-automated viral traffic generator. Just set up one time, schedule with one click, and let it run automatically.
Of course in this ad you are only seeing an overview of its capabilities. You really need to get the whole story: BuzzPress.
Bonus for IM NewsWatch Readers
We have arranged 14 bonuses for our readers, too many to list on this page, so e have creaed a BuzzPress Bonus Page. Check it out.
Here’s just one example of your bonuses, to whet your appetite. There are 13 more, all just waiting for you in your membership dashboard:

There is a Black Friday-Cyber Monday sale, at 50% off. Don’t delay; get yours now: BuzzPress.
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