To improve your content impact, you need to connect with your audience. Emotional connection helps you to move closer to your audience and influence them.

Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has shared 10 emotion-based headlines that will work for you.

She says, “Emotional benefits are critical to persuasive copy, but how do you naturally incorporate them into your writing?

It’s one thing to talk about general concepts like “connection” or “fear,” and another to convey these ideas.

The 10 examples of emotional triggers below have been used in countless promotions, because they speak to underlying desires and fears that nearly all of us have.

I’ve paired each benefit with a sample headline to give you an idea of how the benefit might be used in context. Feel free to tweak, bend, or use them as jumping-off points for your own angle”.

10 Emotion-Based Headlines that Work

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