SEO Planning: Setting SMART SEO Goals [Podcast]
Searchmetrics has published a new episode of the Voices of Search podcast episode titled ‘SEO Planning: Setting SMART SEO Goals’ featuring Jordan Koene and Benjamin Shapiro.
Episode Overview:
Join host Ben as he continues his SEO Planning Week discussion with Searchmetrics’ Strategist and Advisor Jordan Koene to talk about how to create SEO SMART goals. Together they discuss how to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals.
The complexity of SEO goals require detailed steps to ensure they’re executed successfully – SMART goal methods are great tools to execute complex SEO initiatives. SMART goals break initiatives into actionable segments where you can track each touchpoint to achieve an overarching goal. When one aspect of the SMART goal isn’t met, you can easily isolate the issue and implement the right changes to easily eliminate obstacles that prevent you from achieving an overall goal.
SEOs are accustomed to working with long-term goals that may not seem like they fit with SMART goals. The reality is long-term processes like having web pages crawled can be broken into smaller, measurable segments. Whether they’re long-term or short-term goals, they can all be broken down to either a quarterly, monthly, or yearly basis as long as the segments all feed into each other.
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