Improve Your Podcast Performance with These ‘Podcast Topics’
Podcasting is one of the most popular ways to grow your online reach and promote your products and services to achieve better sales performance.
Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has shared some useful suggestions on selecting the podcast topics that will help you to make your podcasts more popular.
He says, “In 2006, just 22% of people had listened to a podcast. That number more than tripled to 70% by the end of 2019, making podcasting one of the most exciting channels to date.
Whether you want to generate passive income or expand your brand’s marketing opportunities, starting a podcast is one of the best ways to do so.
However, while there are plenty of exciting opportunities on this platform, it’s still essential you create a show that is different from others in your category. Therefore, one of the most common questions we get is:
How do I choose a podcast topic?
To help you solve this problem, below you’ll find podcast topics listeners love. You can review these smart frameworks and choose one that is unique to your category, designed for rapid growth, and aligns with your brand or passions”.
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