10 Ways to Achieve Success in Podcasting
Podcast publishing is a great way to reach your target audience and capture their interest to promote your products and services.
Entrepreneur magazine contributor Baruch Labunski has published an article highlighting the 10 commandments of podcasting success.

He says, “As you’re searching for just the right microphone, though, there are 10 “commandments” that will help you set up your podcast for success.
1. Thou shall not do it for the money
At least not directly. According to Castos, not only do most podcasts not make any money, but most of them also actually end up costing money because of expenses like hosting and equipment. Success, for podcasts, is rarely measured in dollars and cents.
2. Thou shall be a consumer
You wouldn’t open up a pizza shop if you don’t ever crave a slice. Likewise, you need to understand and enjoy your medium before you begin broadcasting. Cultivate a crop of your favorite podcasts and think about why you enjoy them so much. There’s plenty of lousy material out there, and you can learn a lot by identifying the mistakes you don’t want to make”.
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