Social media promotion is one of the most beneficial ways to grow your business online. By tapping the right opportunities, you can continue to expand your online presence using different social media tools.

Constant Contact’s Patrick Gillooly has published an article highlighting best social media pl​at​forms ​for business.

He says, “The following breakdown by platform will help you best assess your social marketing strategy:

  1. Facebook: With nearly 2.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the biggest player in the game, making it the best place for businesses whose goals are to promote brand awareness, generate leads, or to retarget audiences that have already engaged with their brand. Facebook typically yields a significant return on investment as well.
  2. Instagram: Instagram has similar benefits to Facebook, with two exceptions. Instagram’s audience skews a bit younger than Facebook and Instagram allows for more opportunity to garner engagement without a budget, since it’s easier for businesses to gain an organic following on Instagram than it is on Facebook (thanks to Instagram’s discover page, hashtags, and location tools.) Instagram is
    also a great platform to utilize influencers and influencer marketing”.

Best​ Social Media Pl​at​forms ​for Business

Constant Contact

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