Finding and growing customers needs a more modern approach. By integrating the latest technology and tools available, you can achieve business success.

ClickZ contributor Catlyn Origitano has shared three steps to create a 360-degree customer view in 2021.

She says, “The data you relied on last year — or even last quarter — to make business decisions is no longer enough to retain a competitive advantage in today’s rapidly changing market.

Unparalleled times require approaching customer engagement in unparalleled ways. Here are three steps you can take now to create a better, more comprehensive view of your customer this year.

Meet your customers where they are in their purchasing journey

At first blush, this seems obvious, but where your customers are today may not be where they were last year. In fact, many retailers are seeing a transformation in how consumers interact with their brand”.

Three steps to create a 360-degree customer view in 2021


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