Publishing fresh content at regular intervals is one of the most important things that we need to do for achieving success in social media marketing.

Social Media Examiner’s Matt Johnson has shared four useful ways to get new social media content ideas.

He says,”In this article, you’ll discover a repeatable system you can use to develop a pipeline of content ideas that never ends and a four-part system to create headlines that will guide content creation for multiple social media platforms.

#1: Define Your Ideal Customer

The first step is to create a persona by drilling down on your ideal customer avatar. To do this exercise, add four columns to a sheet of paper or spreadsheet: General, Specific, Pain Points, and Needs.

In the first column, list the general demographics of this person, such as “female, 35-50 years old, who’s interested in health and wellness.”

The next column should describe who this person is specifically. Give them an actual name, such as “Sandra, 40 years old, lives in Burbank, California, has two kids named Ricky and Steven.” Then describe what this person’s life is like and give a little bit of their history. The idea is that you could close your eyes and picture this person sitting across the table from you”.

Social Media Content Ideas: A Perpetual Idea System

Social Media Examiner

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