A memorable name for your website can help you to create a long-lasting impression on your prospects’ minds and they would be able to recall your business when they need it.

Blogging Wizard’s Nicola Bleu has shared 21 ways to help you come up with a great website name fast.

She says, “21 domain name suggestions to help you come up with the perfect website name

1. Your niche/keyword with a place or destination

A simple and easy way to create a domain name is take your niche/keyword and add a place or destination with it. You’re now giving the impression your website has a tangible location.

E.g. niche + place = fishingpalace.com (Fishing Palace)

A great example is Tone Island, a music website dedicated to exploring guitar related gear. This keyword is then added to the place of an ‘island.’ A simple but effective domain name.

This idea works well with all niches, especially those known to be based in a location. A great example are food and cooking blogs with the use of words such as kitchen, diner, and pantry etc”.

Domain Name Ideas: 21 Ways To Come Up With A Website Name Fast

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