Signature Series PLR by Steven Alvey; “Enough said” #ad
For years, Steven Alvey has been creating PLR products that you can sell as your own. Think of him as your ghostwriter, a skilled and prolific ghostwriter, who now is offering you some of his best work, his Signature Series.
Signature Series is a brand new line of premium, gorgeous, high production value PLR courses that you’ll actually be proud to place your name on to them offer to your subscribers and customers.
This series is not flimsy, poorly written printed content. This is a collection of high-quality videos that include professional presenters who explain the topics clearly and concisely.
In the sale package that is launching this week, you are getting three new Signature PLR training programs:
➤ Precision Ad Targeting
➤ Immanent List Building
➤ Conversion Optimization
In addition, he is including 9 other PLR packages from his other PLR series:
From his Executive Collection
➤ Project management
➤ Strategic Planning
➤ Professional Development
From his YouPLR Collection
(It’s highly customizable)
➤ Email Marketing
➤ Video marketing
➤ Product Creation
From his Viking Collection
➤ Affiliate Marketing
➤ Banner Advertising
➤ Side Hustle
Signature Series Bonus from IM NewsWatch
To add to the richness of Signature Series, Alvey and IM NewsWatch are jointly offering you a bonus that will enhance your ability to use these ghostwritten training products in your business.
These 12 PLR packages certainly have value when you put them to work to improve your own marketing, but this training really shines when you sell it to others to help them in their business. That’s why we are offering you this bonus at no extra charge
Don’t let this valuable content get away from you. Get your own copy while the sale is underway here: Signature Series.
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