How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing [Video]
Neil Patel has published a new video ‘How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing’ as a part of his Email Marketing Unlocked series.
He says, “In today’s lesson, I’m going to be breaking down email optimization, but why should you optimize your emails? Well, it’s all about lifetime value. The more you optimize your emails, the more revenue you can generate through emails, and when you think about lifetime value of a customer, there are some people in many cases where they’re generating 30, 50, $60,000 from people on their email lists. They’re getting their customers to continually come back and buy from them, continue doing upsells, downsells. A great example of a company who has amazing lifetime value from their email address and their users is Amazon. So how do you start optimizing? Well, let’s get started”.
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