Butterfly Marketing still works; Mike Filsaime webinar today #ad
We started our journey with his training he called “Butterfly Marketing”. It wasn’t cheap, but it was good.
As he tells it, he chose that name after reading about chaos theory, with its famous idea that the flutter of a butterfly’s wings in an isolated meadow can have untold downstream effects anywhere in the world, effects that cannot be predicted in advance.
His point in naming his training based on that theory is that if we continually take action, even small incremental steps, the long-term implications can be enormous.
People are still using these Butterfly Marketing strategies today.
Today, at 2 PM EST, Filsaime will be sharing additional ground-breaking Butterfly Marketing ideas on a webinar: The Must-Attend GrooveFunnels™ NO B.S. Platform SmackDown Event.
In this webinar, Filsaime will go over how you can use Butterfly Marketing in your sales funnels to:
● Reduce ad costs and save money.
● Build your list faster, decrease ad cost, and engage leads more than ever before.
● Triple your traffic.
● Increase conversions (for more sales and profits) using the new Groove checkout widget.
● Improve your profits using one-click upsells.
● Create a checkout experience that is easier for your customers to buy more AND tell their friends.
Filsaime knows online marketing like the back of his hand (to use a cliche). His companies have done over $150 Million in sales and he’s created some of the most influential software, training, and strategies that have changed the way we all market today.
Click Here to Reserve Your Seat Now: The Must-Attend GrooveFunnels™ NO B.S. Platform SmackDown Event.
No one knows marketing and branding better than Filsaime. He has over 250,000 customers and over 3 million lifetime subscribers. Through years of practice, he has learned what it takes to succeed online. And today, he will share it with you in this no-charge event.
Drawing on his hard-won insights, he will be going over the four parts to a successful brand and web presence, plus how you can save time and thousands of dollars using Groove to automate your business.
Just take a look here and reserve your seat now: The Must-Attend GrooveFunnels™ NO B.S. Platform SmackDown Event.
By the way, during this live event, you’ll discover how you can get your hands on an exclusive funnel-building training bonus.
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