There’s a growing genre of music videos on YouTube (especially) and elsewhere, “chill-out music”, “background music”, but don’t dare call it “elevator music”. Some of these videos describe themselves as perfect for students doing homework, for example. Others target other groups of users.

When people build these music videos and post them on YouTube, they simply make a video of an animated drawing (usually, a GIF) or other short video which sits there repeating every few seconds with the music playing in the background.

The growing popularity of these videos comes, in part, from the long stays at home during the pandemic lock-downs/shut-downs we are all familiar with.

These music videos are so attractive to viewers (really, “listeners”; they just listen while they are doing something else) because they help a person focus on the task at hand by blocking noises that could otherwise be distractions. It helps you focus. We could all use a little more focus, and that provides a business opportunity.

These videos, it turns out, are money-makers. Who knew?

They earn commissions from YouTube when their fans click on the ads shown on their page. (You can think of other ways [hint: you get a commercial license], but that’s the most prominent way.)

James Reneuf has just released Gyphio to help you make these profitable videos, yourself, in seconds.

Here’s how you do it:

1) Log into Gyphio

2) Choose your animation content by using the built-in search engine to search for video content.

3) Choose your music (again, they provide a musical content search engine.)

4) Click the button to build your video

Gyphio will then create your video automatically. You download it and upload it to YouTube.

The basic version features:
✓ Generate unlimited videos
✓ Up to 3 minutes in length
✓ Use built-in GIF/music search
✓ Embed a call to action

There is an optional upgrade that offers even more:
✓ All features of Front End plus
✓ Up to 10 minutes of music
✓ Upload your own GIFs, mp4s, and mp3s
✓ Generate title/desc/tags for your video

All of these are important enhancements of Gyphio that will make your videos more popular:
1. The 10-minute music can be more engaging because it doesn’t repeat so often.

2. By uploading your own videos and audios, you make sure your videos are unique. We don’t know about you, but several times we have bought licenses to stock video and stock music audio. If you have either gathering dust on your hard drive, here’s a good chance to put it to use.

3. Titles, descriptions, and tags are important in making sure your videos are found by people searching YouTube for a genre of background music. (And this should suggest another expansion opportunity: yoga music, cardio music, music from back home for immigrants, etc.)

This is a wide-open, growing market, and getting started is easy and inexpensive. Get your own music income stream started today, here: Gyphio.

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