Writing is one of the core competencies of online marketers. By writing an elaborative and persuasive copy, you can grow your business authenticity and sales.

Copyblogger’s Sonia Sione has published an article sharing three ways to make writing easier without lowering your standards.

She says, “Here are three ways that a content marketing Mandalorian can keep their standards high … without quite as many merciless Imperial assassins or giant spiders.

#1: Capture your ideas

Every so often, I’m reminded how often we solve our thorniest problems … and then promptly forget our brilliant solutions.

Do yourself a favor and create a place where you’ll keep all of your genius insights, and be able to find them again when you need them.

These days I call this an Idea Garden. I keep ideas for content in my creative journal, with the pages marked so I can find them again quickly and easily. (I use a stripe of washi tape down the side of the page, but anything that’s highly visible will work.)

If you keep your ideas on a digital app, tag them so you’ll be able to bring them all up with a few keystrokes”.

3 Ways to Make Writing a Little Easier


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