Neil Patel has published a new video ‘Bullet-proof Ways to Increase eCommerce Sales (Without Getting More Traffic)’ to help you improve your eCommerce sales.

He says, “Today is another day of CRO Unlocked. We’re in week two, lesson two, where we’re going to go over e-commerce strategies as well as some best practices. E-commerce sales have been booming last year alone $4.2 trillion worldwide, which is a ton of money, and is expected to grow to over $6.54 trillion by 2023.

When you think about the world’s largest retailers, there’s a lot of retailers and these are not all fully online some of them are offline slash online. So they do a little bit of both like Amazon, Walmart, Costco. Amazon’s mainly online these days, but they do own some offline stuff like whole foods. And even companies like Home Depot in the United States they’re quite large as well”.

Neil Patel’s Blog

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