Mailbox Secrets: Using physical mail to promote online offers? #ad
Does it make sense to use physical mail in your online business, or in the business of your clients who have an online component to their business?
That’s why, for example, Dan Kennedy, one of the marketing consultant giants of our day, advisor to famous online marketers, uses physical mail to communicate with his clients and prospects. He uses email, too, but he won’t give up physical mail; it works so well for him. We get at least one physical item (an envelope or a card) with marketing content from him every month.
Here’s what one of our mentors says about Allaire’s information in Mailbox Secrets:
Whether you consider yourself a beginner or an expert marketer you really need to get a copy of Mailbox Secrets and discover Ryan’s proven direct mail system. I’ve been using Direct Mail since 2001 but just one golden nugget I recently learned from Ryan can directly be tracked to generating an extra $288,047.46 during the first 6 months of putting what he showed me into action. I’m not kidding… and that’s only going to increase as I rinse and repeat what he showed me. Direct mail works like Gangbusters and MailBox Secrets shows you how.”
– Nick James (
Allaire says that success with physical mail sent to people’s mailboxes is based on four key principles that he is sharing in this training:
STEP 1: LEAD SOURCE: Where to find eager buyers (and, by the way, there’s no need to worry; you can start small.)
STEP 2: ENVELOPE STRUCTURE: How To Mail Out Your Mailers (This can be very Cost-effective / it can be even cheaper than traffic from solo ads.)
STEP 3: SALES PIECE: No Guess Work needed. You can use the Exact High-Converting Mailers (letters and postcards) Allaire uses
STEP 4: SALES PROCESS: How to achieve remarkable results after your Piece is Mailed (This Will 10X Your results!)
Inside this training, you are getting:
✓ The Mailbox Secrets Guide book
✓ Your Quick Start Book
✓ Video Modules
✓ 3 Bonus Case Studies
✓ A report on “ShoeString Profits”
✓ (Drumroll, please) The Paula Abdul Case Study
All this for a small investment you won’t ever miss. Check it out here: Mailbox Secrets.
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