Five Digital Marketing Facts to Know
Digital marketing has changed the way things are promoted and sold. It has created a smooth between the sellers and their buyers.
Business 2 Community contributor Bjorn Radde has shared five useful facts about the digital marketing impact.
He says, “There is no question that 2020 has been a pivotal year in history, but how it will affect the future largely remains to be seen. In digital marketing, we are noticing the continuation and acceleration of many trends. Marketing professionals believe that the digital transformation boost represents the biggest opportunity born of the current situation, giving us an indication of what the future might look like.
A versatile growth industry
You may think that digitalization has made everyone a marketing expert – and anyone who has ordered a product from Amazon knows how e-commerce works. But it’s not that simple, because the marketing landscape is becoming increasingly diverse and specialized. There are more than 8000 martech solutions according to ChiefMarTec’s figures for 2020. That’s up 13.6% over the previous year and an impressive 5233% over the past ten years (2011: 150)”.
The Future of Marketing: Digital Marketing as a Game Changer
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