Facebook’s dynamic ads are designed to serve ads to users that may be interested in similar products, and to users that have already expressed interest in a product you are selling by visiting your website or app.

WordStream contributor Akvile DeFazio has shared some useful strategies to help you drive more conversions with the Facebook dynamic ads.

She says, “While Facebook dynamic ads are most often used with the Catalog Sales campaign objective, they can also be used with App Installs and Lead Generation campaign objectives. With them, you can use two targeting options in the ad set level:

  • Broad audiences of users who have not yet purchased a product from your brand or who have visited your website but have shown interest in similar products or services.
  • Warmer retargeting audiences of users who have already shown interest in your specific products on your website or your app.

When using the Catalog Sales campaign objective, Facebook will automatically set up your campaign to run dynamic ads. Facebook states that if you are sending users to your app or have “several apps you want installed, or products or services you want to sell or generate leads for, add your catalog att the ad set level, which will prompt dynamic targeting options under the audience tab.”

If you have more than ten products in your catalog that you would like to promote, dynamic ads are the most efficient and effective ad format to use”.

How to Drive More Conversions (In Less Time) with Facebook Dynamic Ads

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