CMI Shares Three Facebook Ad Ideas
Getting your content discovered on Facebook is the biggest challenge. By using the right keywords and writing appropriate descriptions, you can do it.
Content Marketing Institute contributor Gavin Bell has shared three useful Facebook ad ideas to grow your content’s reach.
He says, “In this guide, I detail three of my most effective ways to promote content using Facebook advertising (without ever touching that boost button.)
1. Create a “content bucket” campaign to reach new fans
Many content creators are focused on more. They want more fans, more readers/listeners/viewers. With that in mind, focus first on growing your audience by reaching people who are unfamiliar with your brand or your brand’s content – but who would be interested in your topic.
My “content bucket” campaign idea works so you don’t have to spend too much time creating big Facebook campaigns for every piece of content you publish.
The concept is simple: You create one campaign. Every time you publish a new piece of content, add it to that campaign”.
3 Facebook Ad Ideas to Get Your Content Seen by Your ‘Perfect’ Audience
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