Chris Hauk of PixelPrivacy has published a comprehensive guide called ‘How To Encrypt Your Internet Traffic’.

Read this guide to learn different methods you can use to encrypt and protect your online activities.

He says, “There are a wide variety of tools available to help you keep your internet traffic hidden safely inside a tunnel of encryption.

As I mentioned before, most of these tools are free, while others will cost you less than a few cups of coffee at your favorite local caffeine pusher. (Plus, they help protect you and your connection from said pusher’s unencrypted Wi-Fi hotspot.)

In this section, we’ll look at what you can do to encrypt your internet traffic, both at home and on the road. Just about everything we discuss here can be used to protect your desktop and mobile devices, as well as any internet-connected devices in your home or business.

First, we’ll take a look at how to turn on encryption for your home or business Wi-Fi network. Then, we’ll cover how a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help keep your internet connection under wraps. Your web browser is a popular way for hackers and others to track your online activities, so we’ll discuss how to lock down your current browser. Finally, we’ll take a look at a browser that will cover your tracks”.

How To Encrypt Your Internet Traffic – 2021 Guide


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