Search Engine Journal has published a new guide called ‘Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines: A Guide for SEO Beginners’.

The SEJ team says, “E-A-T is a concept we first learned of in Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines.

In this chapter, you will learn about this document, the quality raters who use it, and whether it can impact your Google search rankings.

What are Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines?

Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines is a quasi-frequently updated document (the last update, as of this writing, was October 14, 2020) that Google Quality Raters use/reference as they rate websites.

As the name suggests, they are the guidelines that these raters are to use as they perform their function.

The guidelines outline the conditions and elements that need to be considered and how the site should be rated by that person.”

Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines: A Guide for SEO Beginners

Search Engine Journal

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