Video content helps you attract more visitors to your website. With the invention of the embedding facility, it has become very easy to showcase video content on your website.

HubSpot contributor Doug Bonderud has published a step-by-step guide to adding YouTube videos to your website.

He says, “Video rules the digital media marketplace, but popularity alone isn’t enough to drive widespread adoption. In practice, YouTube videos come with key benefits for your site, including:

Improved User Engagement

As noted above, visitors to your site retain more information when viewing videos than reading text. This makes it possible to drive improved user engagement by creating compelling content they’ll remember long after they leave your site — and will hopefully bring them back again. YouTube also incorporates features to increase engagement, like sharing options and playlists.

Reduced User Frustration

If users have to scroll through walls of text just to find the basics of your brand or understand your value proposition, chances are they won’t stay long. An embedded YouTube video provides a quick rundown of your site as soon as users arrive.”

How to Add YouTube Videos to Your Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

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