Content marketing helps you expand your presence online. By publishing quality content, you can win more and more customers. And to improve the content quality, it is important to measure the content marketing impact.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Robert Rose has shared an article on setting objectives to measure the content marketing impact.

He says, “In marketing, there are no standard rules for what defines success. The measurements – or metrics – that mean success at your company may indicate failure at mine.

In episode 10 of Marketing Makers, CMI’s series for those who make marketing work, I explore the evolution of marketing analytics (it’s not new) and how you can create a shared framework to use it effectively.

Get everyone on the same page

Shared objectives without analytics are visions without a map. And deciding on analytics without objectives is like having a map but nowhere to go.

If you start with a shared objective and a common understanding of how you’ll know if you’ve met it, then you can define it with numbers. That’s when the numbers have a purpose, and more importantly, meaning.”

Measuring Content Marketing Impact: How To Set Objectives That Matter

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