Effective influencer marketing helps you grow your brand by selecting the right influencers in your domain.

On the other hand, Peer-to-peer marketing is the process where consumers recommend products or services to their peers.

HubSpot contributor Caroline Forsey has published an article justifying P2P marketing as a good alternative to influencer marketing.

She says, “P2P marketing relies on your current customers to recommend your products and services to their friends, families, and acquaintances. Influencer marketing, on the other hand, uses well-known figures (typically figures in popular culture) to recommend the product — even if they don’t use the product in their day-to-day.

Why Peer-to-Marketing Is Simply Better

Over the past couple of years, influencer marketing has been one of the most popular and effective opportunities for brands to reach new audiences by leveraging those influencers’ built-in communities.

However, as mentioned above, consumers still trust their own peers more than anyone else. And influencers can often feel like celebrities to the general public — in fact, sometimes, they are actual celebrities, like George Clooney with Nespresso. This removes a level of authenticity you might be striving for as a brand.”

Why P2P Marketing Is a Good Alternative to Influencer Marketing


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