TikTok reflects a key social media trend for creativity and collaboration amongst young audiences. That is why marketers and businesses choose TikTok for marketing and advertising.

HubSpot contributor Pamela Bump has shared eight TikTok marketing examples to inspire your brand in 2022.

She says, “Although TikTok might feel like a hub of strange posts, its popularity and video-driven content provide a variety of unique marketing opportunities.

Marketers can leverage TikTok in three main areas:

1. Influencer Marketing

A great way to leverage TikTok is by engaging with the influencer community. Because influencers have a solid understanding of the platform, they can transform stiff brand messages into fun and creative videos. This type of marketing is particularly effective at opening your content to a new audience and boosting brand awareness.

2. Original Content

Although fans of TikTok love original content, you don’t need to spend hours coming up with the next viral trend. Often, the best performing TikToks are ones that replicate or recreate a current trend. Start by exploring the app, its trends, and where your brand can join the fun.”

8 TikTok Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Brand in 2022

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