Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been with us as a completely different analytics tool with an increased feature set that promises to bring mobile app and web data together in a simpler and more powerful way.

Adswerve contributor James Angerman has published an article on building your Google Analytics 4 skillset using new demo properties (GA4 demo properties released by Google).

He says, “Google has released two new public GA4 demo properties with different implementations designed to highlight different features of GA4 properties. The first is a web-only GA4 property that highlights the eCommerce functionality. The second is a web and app implementation that shows new reporting features and the combined web/app reporting. Both of these properties are available to anyone; you will just need to get access to the Google Analytics Demo Account by clicking here. You can also find more information by reading this support article.

In this blog post, we’ll focus on the new event-focused data model, the difference in acquisition reporting between GA3 and GA4 and lastly, the new Analysis Hub. I am going to use screenshots from the web-only GA4 property. However, all of the topics I will talk about apply to both equally.

New GA4 Event-Focused Data Model

For years GA users have been familiar with the event category, action and label hierarchy that GA3 uses for its event reporting. With GA4, Google has chosen the event and parameter data model that Firebase Analytics uses.”

Build Your GA4 Skillset With New Demo Properties


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