The Google Analytics 4 (GA4) platform has been with us for almost a year now. It has been loaded with numerous features to help you improve your website performance.

Builtvisible contributor Gary Stubbenhagen has published a comprehensive article on preparing for the GA4 switchover.

He says, “Google Analytics 4 (GA4) turns a year old in just a few weeks, so you should have some idea of what the platform is and its capabilities already.

But if you’ve somehow managed to dodge the barrage of content over the past year, now’s the time to stop ignoring it, get serious and swot up – because once the switchover happens, there’s no going back.

And while our guide to the main changes will help, there’s a lot more to be done.

What is it again?

The TLDR version is that GA4 is the new (gold) standard for GA; it expands data collection and brings premium features to the masses.”

CMOs: How to prepare for the GA4 switchover


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