The Loci Cycle has been advertised here during its launch. That launch is ending at 11 AM, so you may see this too late to take advantage of it.

If you have been considering this guaranteed investment, you need to make your decision now (if you see this before 11 AM EDT).

This new software system has been refined over a period of years. It enables you to:
✓ Make risk-free profits in Crypto without buying coins by using semi-automated websites called “Loci Farms”
✓ Use this same knowledge and system to generate passive profits in any niche

Underlying all these website successes is proprietary software, called Ampifire. This underground A.I.-assisted traffic automation software gets customers from the biggest sites on the web without advertising costs.

There’s not much time; the clock is ticking, so in summary, here is what you need to know, written by the creators:

1. What am I actually investing in?

You’re getting lifetime access to The Loci Cycle (which includes The Loci “Flip” Formula for turning brand new $10 sites into $2,000 – $4,000 sites in as little as 2 weeks!)
 an automatic “Loci Farm Mini-Site Builder”
 and AmpiFire 2.0 (our latest and greatest A.I.-assisted traffic automation software, for driving free targeted buyer traffic in any niche).

Combining these elements gives you the power to make money in any niche, with any offer, product or website, without having to rely on paid ads, SEO, or any other difficult traffic methods
 as many times as you want.

2. How do I get to make money with this?

This is essentially “selling shovels to miners” in the modern-era gold rush.

We’ve found highest profits (and best success for our students) are found in acting as “The Man In The Middle”
 driving traffic to other people’s products in return for a commission.

You can do this with semi-automated “Loci Farms” and drive traffic using AmpiFire 2.0 (it’s as simple as filling in a form online)

For example, in the Crypto niche right now, demand is booming and opportunities number in the 10,000’s. You can easily jump in and extract profits here.

Earlier students have even “flipped” their Loci Farms for a good profit in a matter of weeks.

Though most of our students choose to hold on and stack the passive profits, keeping them for themselves (or simply making the sites more valuable to sell at a later date.)

3. What can I promote with AmpiFire 2.0? Do I have to promote crypto?

You can promote anything, in any niche. Any product, service, offer, website, anything.

We like Crypto right now because we see such a unique and wide open (and profitable) opportunity. You can promote anything though and we’ll be sure to cover that as well, in the training.

4. If it’s so good, why aren’t you keeping it to yourself?

Because that’s a bad way to grow and a bad way to do business. Our greatest results and advances were always made by ‘crowd-sourcing’ the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of our amazing community.

It allows us to refine our methods, explore new opportunities and increase the power of our technology to reach more people, get more traffic and connect more customers with the things they want and need.

We’re here to help the little guy, providing access to tools and methods the ‘big players’ try to keep to themselves.

We’ve already made a huge impact but it’s just the beginning – I hope you join us and become part of it, so we can grow together.

Besides, there’s no way we could saturate what we’re doing here by ourselves
 the markets are simply way too big and more are appearing every single day.

5. How much time do I need to invest? Can I do this alongside another program or working a full time day job?

You can do this alongside a day job, of course.

We don’t recommend doing this alongside any other program, because any distraction in focus will ultimately hurt your results or slow you down. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, we just don’t recommend it.

As for how much time is needed to invest, as much as you can. The more you put in, the better your results will be.

If it means getting up a bit earlier or going to bed a bit later for a while, it may be worth it. You may need to address your time management and eliminate ‘low value’ activities, like binge-watching Netflix.

Of course, a healthy work/life balance is key to staying productive, sane, and even happy, but with 16 hours in the day ‘available’ to be productive, we recommend putting as many of them into this business as you can.

If you can’t commit to putting a few hours into this per week, don’t do it.

6. How much money can I make with this program?

We have students making hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this; some who’ve added literally millions of dollars in sales to businesses they’ve worked with. This is such a high demand and valuable ability to have.

We have outliers who’ve worked 12 hours to make $100,000 and some incredible champions who battled for months to make good money and never gave up.

We cannot predict anything specific for you though, other than the fact you must commit, work and be consistent. Just like any real business. This is just a comparatively better business to be in and your odds of success are higher.

This is why we created The 90 Day Challenge (we start next week, but you can technically begin at any time) so we can all commit to building something great, together. Each journey is unique, but it’s easier when others are going through it with you.

We do see new (a few weeks old) Loci Farms being “Flipped” for $2,000 to $4,000 in the Crypto niche though (these results are not typical), which only take 30 minutes (max) to set up with our auto-site builder, then another 30 minutes using AmpiFire 2.0 to “Amp” the site and boost it’s value literally 20,000%.

7. Are we limited to 1 niche or industry, or can we promote multiple?

Not at all. You can promote anything (any product, service, offer, website, business, anything
) in any niche.

We think it’s best to stick to a single niche and go as deep as you can (at least before going ‘wide’ and expanding out). However, we’ve had successful students focus on one niche, and others who focused on several. Some tried several before focusing on one. Some focused on one before expanding to others.

Ultimately, AmpiFire 2.0 lets the choice be yours. You have the power.

Crypto is the hottest and most untapped niche right now though, so we recommend starting there if you don’t already have something else in mind.

8. I have existing AmpiFire credits, will my credits transfer over?

If you invest in The Loci Cycle and upgrade to AmpiFire 2.0, any existing Amp Credits WILL be converted to “2.0” and you’ll have complete access to the full power of the platform.

9. Does my AmpiFire 2.0 software access or credits run out?

No – you have access for life and the credits do not expire.

10. Are there any other costs?

You do not have to buy inventory, expensive software, or paid memberships and of course, you do not have to pay for ads, because AmpiFire 2.0 takes care of the traffic for you – and you get free lifetime access with The Loci Cycle.

You can snap up a new domain for each new “Loci Farm mini-site” you want to set up for about $10 max, and we give you step-by-step training on all this if you aren’t technical.

11. What kind of guarantee do I get?

You have 60 days to claim a full refund from the date of your investment.

Check out the main Loci Cycle page for full details.

12. I thought there is lots of competition in the crypto niche, why do you say it’s low competition?

We have a method of going “six levels deep”, which helps us (and you) identify great ‘zero competition’ opportunities to get traffic and sales, where nobody else is operating.

We can do this in the highest competition niches, like health and fitness, relationships
 and 100% in crypto as well.

We can essentially ‘create’ our own competition-free space inside the biggest niches, focused entirely on attracting hungry buyers. It works well.

This will all be covered in The Loci Cycle training.

13. What if I don’t want to be paid in crypto currencies?

First of all – most affiliate programs pay in regular currency, not cryptocurrency.

Some crypto affiliate programs pay in crypto but not all the crypto affiliate programs make you get paid in crypto. Often you’ll have the choice, and some of the underground programs we get you access to, pay as much as $500 per sale – and it’s a hungry market.

14. Do you provide hosting and the domain name for the 1st mini-site? What about the content in the mini-site?

For your regular Loci Farms, you would take care of the hosting and domain names. This is very inexpensive though. We provide you with a template and training to essentially “Copy & Paste”, so it’s a little bit ‘paint by numbers’ and removes any need for technical know-how.

The ready-made Crypto Loci Site, however, will have all this built and content automatically added – you’ll be provided an additional login and password, with instructions on how to customize the site. You just choose a name.

15. When does the 90 Day Loci Challenge Start?

Right away, and while it’s great to start with the rest of the gang, all your new fellow Loci Cycle students, you can start at any time. The important part is committing to 90 days of effort to really make yourself see results. Best is to start as soon as you can and alongside a community. Next best is just to start.

Before 11 AM EDT, click here to get your own The Loci Cycle.

The guarantee the creators offer is outstanding. Take a look:
The Loci Cycle Guarantee

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