How Long Does SEO Take? [Answered]
SEO is everyone’s requirement today. But at the same time, it is a challenging process. You need to keep it in sync with the search engine algorithms to get the best results.
Inflow contributor Alex Juel has published an article describing the process of SEO and how much time could SEO take to deliver expected results.
He says, “SEO works, but it takes time — and it’s important to know just how much before you start investing.
In this blog, we’ll walk you through average timelines for SEO results, using case studies from our own work, as well as industry research.
On average, organic SEO efforts will take anywhere from six to 12 months to achieve measurable results. (Google’s official timetable is four to 12 months for an SEO agency, but we stick with a more conservative estimate, just in case.)
Slow organic performance changes are a deliberate choice on the part of search engines. It takes time to carefully vet all potential web pages and find the highest quality ones for serving up in the SERPs.”
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