Building Brand Awareness and Authority with Your Content
Your content can be a key driving force in reaching out to more and more people online. With high-quality content, you can grow your chances of conversion.
Skyword, Inc. contributor Rose de Fremery has shared some useful tips to help you use timely content to build brand awareness and authority.
She says, “Here are some best practices for crafting successful timely content—along with five types of content you can strategically leverage to produce the right content at the right time.
Best Practices for Successful Timely Content
As with every aspect of your content ecosystem, you’ll get the most out of timely content by taking a strategic approach. Target topics and opportunities that directly relate to your brand and audience. Otherwise, you run the risk of coming off as overly opportunistic—or, worse, inauthentic.
As you might expect, timing is everything. You are far more likely to see results at the moment when your content is top of mind for your audience. If you’re a bit too late or too early, you may miss your chance. With that in mind, look at relevant search trends from years past to see when audiences start searching for specific topics. You might be surprised to discover how early they begin their searches.
Organic search takes time, so you’ll need a strong distribution strategy to take advantage of the short window of opportunity.”
How to Use Timely Content to Build Brand Awareness and Authority
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