Seven Tips To Do Influencer Marketing On A Budget
Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people, and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.
The Search Engine Journal team has shared seven tips to get influencers to promote your brand on a budget.
The SEJ team says, “Go data-driven with your influencer marketing with our free guide on getting and using data to run more impactful campaigns at a lower cost.
1. Meet The Four Tiers of Influencers
These days, there are thousands of great influencers on social media, so how do you pick the right influencer for your campaign?
It’s critical to start with knowing the four main types of influencers and how they work with your specific, measurable goals.
The Four Tiers of Influencers:
- Mega Influencer: has 1 million followers on one of their social media platforms.
- Macro Influencer: has a following between 40,000 and 1 million.”
7 Proven Tips To Get Influencers To Promote Your Brand On A Budget
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