Prioritizing Advertising Efficiency for Better Business Outcomes, March 2 [Webinar]
The advertising workflow is overly complicated and subject to (costly) errors and delays. Complexity inhibits advertisers from doing strategically appropriate things because of the perception that they’re just too hard.
AdWeek is hosting a webinar ‘Prioritizing Advertising Efficiency for Better Business Outcomes: “Too Hard” Is Too Easy’ on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 1.00 pm EST.
The AdWeek team says, “Hear from Merkle creative business lead Amy Thorne and Clinch CEO Oz Etzioni to learn more about the ways that what was “too hard” before can now be both simple and much more powerful. You’ll find out:
- How to deal with growing complexities and the rising value of personalization
- What drove Merkle to establish its Center of Excellence
- The importance of consolidation/efficiency and industry-leading tools that solve today’s challenges.”
Prioritizing Advertising Efficiency for Better Business Outcomes: “Too Hard” Is Too Easy
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