A/B Testing is Dead, Long Live A/B Testing!, March 3 [Webinar]
A/B testing markets to customer segments, not individual customers, missing opportunities to tailor decision-making at the customer level.
Third Door Media is hosting a webinar ‘A/B Testing is Dead, Long Live A/B Testing!’ on Thursday, March 3, 2022.
The Third Door Media team says, “Optimizing interactions, communications and offers to your customers is key – but how are you doing that today? Odds are, you’re A/B testing. But this method is now a thing of the past … and why is that?
A/B testing doesn’t scale – the more dimensions and choices you want to make, the longer testing takes.
What’s making A/B testing obsolete? Self-learning AI.
Join Scott Brinker, editor, chiefmartec.com and OfferFit’s CEO, George Khachatryan, for a discussion on how new AI methods are displacing traditional A/B testing, and what this means for the test & learn programs you use to maximize customer engagement.”
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