Search Engine Journal has published a new case study ‘Are Brand Keywords Valuable for Every Audience?’

Jonathan Kagan says, “If you’ve followed me, you know I am a staunch supporter of using branded search keywords (and those New York Jets).

So this column may throw you for a little bit of a loop. We’re talking about using ads to target brand searches – but only from those who don’t know the brand.

Hear me out.

I also thought the concept was illogical and went against industry best practices.

But there is a way to make it work and make it purposeful.

Interestingly, two separate clients in very different verticals approached me with a similar scenario:

  • Client B: “How do we keep a brand presence, but not advertise to consumers who are already going to come to us?”
  • Client N: “We want to see how first-time buyers on our brand name interact with us versus repeat buyers. But we want it as clean and clear as possible. How do we separate prior buyers on the brand name from people searching our name who haven’t bought before?”

Both essentially equate to in-market, brand-aware audiences, driven to look for us by a different form of media.”

Are Brand Keywords Valuable for Every Audience?

Search Engine Journal

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