Link Building Strategies to Improve SEO Peformance
Link building is an essential process in your SEO journey. Quality links help you improve the performance of your site in the search engine result pages.
The Upper Ranks contributor David Farkas has shared some useful link-building strategies to achieve SEO success.
He says, “Google’s main consideration is “user experience”– serving up the best possible results for any given search query. And, since we want our clients and ourselves to be highly visible in the Search Engine Results Pages, our link-building efforts are much more successful when we keep Google’s main goal in mind.
In this guide, I’ll be covering a number of link-building strategies that you can rely on to boost your SEO efforts and rankings and the strategies that are ineffective or even worse – harmful.
Since we’ve had years to look at the after-effects of Google’s big shakeups, which many saw as anti-link building measures, I can show you what still works for me and what gels with Google’s master plan for their monolithic search engine and the kinds of links that are worth your time and effort. Every single website is different, and the ideal linking strategy for every website is different, too. Keep your own website in mind as you read this article.”
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