With quality and creative video content, you can use TikTok to reach millions of people online.

Search Engine Journal contributor Jason Zotara has published an article highlighting 10 TikTok marketing tips and best practices.

He says, “Read on for tips and tricks that will help you create a successful TikTok marketing campaign.

1. Take Advantage Of Existing Trends

TikTok’s algorithm prioritizes content based on popularity and the number of views.

Therefore, marketing teams should utilize trending hashtags and memes to create relevant content appealing to their target audience.

Unlike advertising set up on other social media platforms, TikTok requires your team to be engaged to keep up with the latest trends.

Users on this platform will seek out content under trending hashtags that can help introduce your brand to a new audience.”

10 TikTok Marketing Tips & Best Practices

Search Engine Journal

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