HubSpot defines ‘Interactive video’ as a non-linear form of media that allows viewers to engage with the video they’re watching by clicking on hotspots, answering questions, choosing their own paths, and other forms of engagement.’

To help marketers discover and reap the benefits of interactive video content, HubSpot contributor Martina Bretous has published a comprehensive article.

She says, “The biggest reason to leverage interactive videos is the high return on investment.

Our video marketing report revealed that interactive video offers the fifth-highest ROI, behind product-related, funny and trendy, and behind-the-scenes videos.

In addition, 47% of marketers surveyed say interactive content is one of the most effective lead generators.

When it comes to engagement, interactive video is also one of the best performers. In fact, 47% of marketers surveyed say interactive content is one of the top three video types that get the most engagement.

This video type can also leave a deeper impression on its viewers. With so many brands fighting for our attention, one way to keep them engaged longer is through interaction.”

Why You Should Leverage Interactive Videos [Data from 500+ Marketers]


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