Podcasting is a great way to enhance your online reach and grow followers. Consistent podcast publishing can also help is boosting sales.

WP Tavern has published a podcast episode ‘Why WordPress Is a Great Choice for Your Podcast’ featuring Joe Casabona.

Nathan Wrigley says, “As this is a podcast about WordPress we make sure to discuss how WordPress and podcasting are a perfect match. Whilst many podcast hosting platforms will allow you to have a basic website, it’s likely that you’ll be able to make your podcast more effective if you are able to extend the website’s functionality. WordPress is perfect for this. There’s no restrictions on what you can do and you’re free to change anything whenever you like.

So if you’re curious about how to set up a podcast, or if you’ve already got one going and just want to hear some fresh perspectives, this episode is for you.”

Why WordPress Is a Great Choice for Your Podcast

WP Tavern

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