A landing page is a standalone web page that a person visits clicking through from an email, ad, or other digital location.

MOZ contributor Travis McKnight has shared three steps to learn when you need a dedicated paid landing page.

He says, “The average SEO-focused product page converts at only 2.9 percent, which is among the reasons many companies pursue paid advertising traffic to achieve their goals and KPIs.

But creating custom, campaign-specific landing pages is resource-intensive, and not every team has the necessary tools, expertise, or personnel to build the content. So, how do you know if you need a custom page or if you can safely send paid traffic to an organic page and still achieve your KPIs? This three-step, data-driven evaluation helps answer this question.

Paid vs. SEO landing pages — why have both?

Before diving into the evaluation process, you need to understand why having paid and organic pages is crucial and some of the drawbacks when you send paid traffic to your organic pages without analyzing them beforehand.”

How to Know When You Need a Dedicated Paid Landing Page


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