A content outline is a detailed overview of what your article will include. It helps your readers get a bird’s eye view of your article.

Ahrefs contributor Bill Widmer has published an in-depth article on the importance of content outlines and how to write them.

He says, “I always draft an outline before I start writing an article. This is for several reasons:

  1. An outline guarantees you include important things for search engine optimization (SEO) – These include having the right keywords and satisfying the searchers’ intent by addressing their most common questions.
  2. An outline helps you improve the flow of your article before you start writing – If you just dive into the writing, your ideas can be all over the place and you may have to spend a lot of time reorganizing the information to be more logical… and this process can be a nightmare without an outline.
  3. You can more easily outsource content at scale with proper outlines – With a great outline, even a mediocre writer can produce great content. If you want to scale up your content production with any level of quality control, good outlines are a necessity.”

Content Outlines: How to Write Better Content Faster


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