Topical authority is a measure of authority built up through proven expertise and trust in your field. By publishing high-quality, informative pieces of content on your site, you can acquire people’s trust and convert them into customers or regular visitors.

MOZ contributor Zoe Ashbridge has published an in-depth article on topical authority.

She says, “If you reach out to someone for a service or product and they speak confidently and passionately about their offering, answer all of your questions, and understand your needs, then you’re more likely to trust them. Why should the internet be any different?

Your buyers are drawn to your offering, your expertise, and your passion. Buyers also want to know you can help serve them and that you understand them.

In the digital world, content is how you nurture buyers. Where Google is concerned, topical relevance proves to search engines that you’re trustworthy and knowledgeable. We all know that Google wants to show its users the best possible content from the most credible sources.”

How to Earn Topical Authority in 2022 and Beyond


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