Your email marketing campaigns depend on various elements. The email subject line is one of the most important parts that help you improve your email open rate.

Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has published an article highlighting five steps to achieve better email open rates.

He says, “While there is no definitive right or wrong way to write an email subject line, there are some tips you can use to boost your current open rates.

Here are 5 critical steps:

1. Create the best email subject lines for sales with descriptive language

A study by Backlinko showed that the best email subject lines for sales are between 36 and 50 characters. In fact, this length outperformed short subject lines (1-15 characters) by 32.7%.

However, watch out for subject lines more than 70 characters, as open rates begin to diminish above that length.

email subject lines for sales


If your subject line is too short, your audience likely won’t open the email because it’s hard to be specific in under 15 characters. When you write email subject lines for sales, you can’t afford to be vague.”

Email Subject Lines for Sales: 5 Steps to Better Open Rates, with 48 Templates

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