15 Facebook Small Business Success Strategies
Facebook is a powerful marketing tool for small businesses. It allows them to promote their products and services at affordable costs.
Social Media Marketing expert Neal Schaffer has shared 15 tips for achieving success for any business using Facebook.
He says, “Successful Facebook marketing all begins with setting up your Facebook Page for success. All elements of your page should be geared towards making a good impression and presenting a compelling brand story. However, this is accomplished differently for various business types. For instance, an accounting firm will make this impression differently from a coffee shop or auto mechanic.
1. Take a Peek at Your Competitors
Since so many small businesses are already using Facebook you can learn a TON just by looking at your competitors. For instance, does your competition present employees as its best asset, or a nice ambiance. Is the product itself their best selling point? As you view each competitor’s page, think about how they’re presenting themselves to the public.”
Facebook for Small Business: 15 Tips for Success for Any Business
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