Strategies to Improve YouTube Ads Targeting
With YouTube content targeting you can choose where to place your YouTube ad videos so you can advertise on the videos and channels that align best with your goals.
Social Media Examiner contributor Anna Sonnenberg has shared four ways to improve YouTube ads targeting.
She says, “When you set up YouTube ads, you can use audience targeting, content targeting, or both. As you add targeting options to video campaigns, pay attention to the forecast in the upper-right corner. It’s important to make sure your targeting is defined enough to be relevant without making your potential audience too small for efficient ad delivery.
#1: How to Target Your YouTube Ads by Placements
YouTube placement targeting lets you display video ads on certain YouTube videos and channels. To add placement targeting to an ad group, scroll down to the Content section and open the Placements drop-down menu.
How to Show Ads on Certain YouTube Channels
To show your ads on any content published on certain channels, choose YouTube Channels. Then enter the URLs for the YouTube channels of your choice or use the built-in search tool to find relevant channels.”
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